Thursday, 10 April 2014

Term 2 Lesson 6

Led by Yellow House

  1. 17 rounds around ISH.
  2. Stations (Shuttle Run, Incline Pull Up, Sit And Reach Hold 10 seconds, Holding SitUp 45 seconds, SBJ 15 lunges) 2 min per station in ISH.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Term 2 Lesson 5

Led by Red House

  1. 7 rounds around field. Target is 14 minutes. Finished in 22 minutes.
  2. Normal Stretching.
  3. Stations 2 min per station. STATIONS : Shuttle Run Practise [SR], Jumping Over Hurdles [SBJ], Sit Up Practise [SU], Hanging on Bars [IPU] etc.. 3 cycles.
Next lesson: YELLOW!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Term 2 Lesson 4

Led by Green House

  1. 6 rounds around the field
  2. Normal stretching.
  3. Sit up practise 20x2 sets.
  4. Pull Ups, 5x3 sets per person.
Next Week, led by Reds!